By: Nonnette C. Bennett
Baguio City is due an additional PhP28 billion from Php 3.6 billion already granted for its programs that support “Green Economy” and the circular economy from the European Union member countries after the visit of 18 ambassadors. This was announced by EU head Massimo Santuro last January 29 at a press briefing at Forest Lodge, Camp John Hay.
Santuro said that Baguio City was the first of 10 local government units visited to confirm the local realities that the EU want to experience in an identified political unit. He praised Mayor Benjie Magalong for the tour around the city facilities that confirmed their assumptions on good governance, technological infrastructure, academic excellence, and creative city programs.
Santuro added that the grants will help the city transition to green growth and renewable energy with infrastructure that is needed for garbage and sewage management that was already infused with PhP 3.6 billion funds. He noted that the money will help resolve the pressing issues.
The additional budget to be granted by the other countries are meant to reduce child labor, intersectoral justice zone, and peace efforts. Denmark Ambassador Franz-Michael Skjold Mellbin said that hunger was the focus of cooperation that had no specific project but was focused on economic issues. This could be done by investors who could create jobs and improve productivity which directly improves lives and reduces poverty. He added that food poverty is caused by agriculture and low productivity which can be improved by EU success stories. The shared technology could create food security and resilience in the farming communities. Santuro said the experience of some EU countries can be applied here as recommended by the different ambassadors.
Green Economy as proposed by the EU states is underscored by free trade that can be enhanced by market players that can invest and operate here. Santuro added that the circular economy is based on environmental issues like garbage disposal by knowing how to segregate or differentiate which ones are recyclable and reduce the residuals. This done with the commitment of the LGU because of the population increase and the education of the households on materials that can be returned to producers or for food waste to can be treated and made into fertilizers which is a third of original waste generated.
In support of the Arts, the EU states cooperate with universities who implement policies against cultural injustice by way of scholarships. The exchange helps sharing of culture and traditions. Austrian Ambassador Dr. Johann Brieger said that weaving could be shared with the country after seeing the weaving workshop in Baguio. Hungarian Ambassador Dr. Titanilla Toth noted that bilateral cultural interactions can be done through individual cooperation because of the unique culture in the region.
According to Santuro, more funds can be granted to Baguio City from proposals by government or non-government organizations that are within the priorities of the EU states.
Among the other countries represented by the ambassadors at the briefing were: Romania, Poland, Cyprus, Croatia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Germany, France, Lithuania, Italy, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, and Czechia.